Comments on: Fix Unable to RDP Azure VM using AAD Credentials SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Wed, 09 Aug 2023 21:24:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: kcr I am just getting started with Azure and got my free subscription and setup a server 2019 vm, followed the official doc and all the steps here..Ie: ticking the Azure AD, Assigning VM admin role assignment, checking extension, Disabling NLA, Adding user to the Remote desktop users group, Disabling firewall in VM, Updating RDP shortcut with the 2 lines, putting in AzureAD\UPN for login, Disabling the AD security defaults. I still get the error “The sign in method you are trying to use isn’t allowed, try a different signin method or contact system administrator”

This is so frustrating, i thought this would be the easiest thing on Azure..How does everyone else manage their servers on Azure ? thought there would be more info out there regarding this..

By: Jon Hi Projwal – Are you able to comment on this setup please:

– AAD Joined PCs at the office, no local AD, no Azure VMs
– Separate VPN solution allows remote connection to the office
– RDP to AAD joined PC – used to work from an AAD-Registered personal PC – I think when NLA was disabled on the office PC.
– MFA is enabled on the AAD User account, no conditional access policies.

I replaced my office PC – and now it seems I can only RDP to the AAD-joined PC from another AAD-Joined PC, where I am asked for my PIN only to authenticate, not any MFA etc. Is this NLA kicking in?

Is it possible to connect with NLA required on the remote, but the client is not AAD-Joined (only registered)?

I couldn’t find out much about how NLA works, especially with AAD-Join, but I feel like I should leave it on for security.

Also any knowledge of the enablerdsaadauth:i:1 setting? If I enable this on my aad-registered device I go through MFA but then get error CAA20002 which from searching seems like an authentication issue, but no results specific to RDS.


By: Gaurav Kumar Is this process being similar for Win Server 2019? Can I do same steps for win 2019 server so that Azure AD user can login to the server?

By: Nick In reply to Prajwal Desai.

Thanks again.

Could not find RDP file settings to achieve a ‘Copy and Paste’ functionality to the login screen so far.
If someone has an idea then do not hesitate to tell me 🙂

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Nick.

Few things can be added to the RDP file.

By: Nick Thank you for the detailed description.

Has anyone already solved the problem that username and password can not be sent via copy&paste to the VM’s login screen?

Especially if you run many VMs it is very time consuming to enter your password manually again and again.

kind regards

By: Vipin Harishchandra Pandey In reply to

Excellent question, currently Microsoft don’t have any solution apart from excluding the Azure VM sign-in in MFA conditional policy. But we need to find a way so that MFA also work with it.

Thank you Prajwal for the detail explanation and waiting for your reply on MFA.

By: In reply to Cody.

Cody, would you mind going into more detail on what the policy is doing? Is it about bypassing MFA for the Virtual Machine logins or what? Prajwal, maybe you can test this and add this info to the document? That would be valuable and seems to be missing from your otherwise comprehensive write-up here.

By: You Should add a step / information regarding multi-factor authentication. MFA interferes with login. I just disabled MFA on my test user and successfully logged in afterward. My test user still belongs to a Conditional Access Policy that enables MFA. For the moment that does not seem to interfere. I have yet to verify that MFA is functioning for the test user at all. I try to come back and report my findings.

By: JC Just wanted to share an improvement:

Arriving at the vm login or lock screen was not practical for me because you are not allowed to paste the password which can be drag.

If you update the RDP file with the VM-LOCALLY ACTIVE name of the user account, you can just authenticate (and paste) locally and you will just end up _in_ your VM, not at the front door.

In my case, after using ‘whomai’ in Powershell, I updated in the rdp file from:

Note that the .tld is gone as well as the @ sign, but we shouldn’t assume universal logic.
The notation whomai returned was:

I also had to use:
and I temporary enabled:
prompt for credentials:i:1

After that I saved my credentials in my local windows credential store and I can now just login the VM without being force to type a password.

P.s. It is a bit much this all requires this many steps, anyhow I am grateful for your post! Before, I couldn’t get in at all. After I could get in with some hoops. Now, I double click rdp file.
