Comments on: New SCCM 2207 KB15152495 Hotfix Update Rollup and Fixes SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Sun, 19 Feb 2023 21:57:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake In reply to Gabe.

Has anyone solved this issue yet? We are getting the same errors after updating from 2203 to 2211.

By: Joshua Williamson Thank you for the great overview on the KB15152495 hotfix rollup. I was able to install the update successfully, and the console is reporting the update installed; however, Nessus is still reporting this as a vulnerability. I was wondering if others who have patched and use Nessus can report if they a similar issue or not.

The Nessus plug-in crawls the registry entries in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates. I’m assuming since the version reported in Add/Remove Programs is 5.00.9088.1000 this is throwing a flag for Nessus, but I was just curious what others are experiencing.

By: Jack In reply to Gabe.

Having the same issue, almost identical steps followed.

Primary, CMG and a remote DP do not have issue, but the 3 onsite DP do have the issue.

By: Gabe In reply to Prajwal Desai.

Failed to install IIS
Distribution Manager Attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating sytem to distribution point “xxxxxxxx.yyy.local”. The tool returned non-zero error code 8. Reboot or Manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings and RDC is Enabled.

By: Gabe In reply to Prajwal Desai.

Distribution Manager failed to install distribution point [“Display=\\xxxxxxxx.yyy.local\”]MSWNET:[“SMS_SITE=SC1”]\\xxxxxxxx.yyy.local\ on computer xxxxxxxx.yyy.LOCAL.

Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the computer.
Solution: Verify that the site server computer account is an administrator on the distribution point computer.
Distribution Manager failed to process package “Configuration Manager Client Package” (package ID = SC100028).

Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have access to either the package source directory or the distribution point.
Solution: Verify that distribution manager can access the package source directory/distribution point.

Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system.
Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility.

Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the site server computer or the distribution point.
Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the site server computer and on the distribution point.

Possible cause: The package source directory contains files that might be in use by an active process.
Solution: Close any processes that maybe using files in the source directory. If this failure persists, create an alternate copy of the source directory and update the package source to point to it.
Logs have rolled over. I’ve been getting VcRedist and IIS errors every since.

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Skylar.

Please send me the log files for investigation.

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Kristin.

Can you send the logs so that I can examine this issue further?.

By: Kristin In reply to Gabe.

We are having the same problem and I’ve done everything I can think of to resolve it. IIS is definitely installed, I ran the powershell from another of Prajwal’s articles and it completes successfully.
The correct accounts are admin on the DP’s, they always have been. I have double checked several times.
All necessary firewall rules are enabled to allow traffic and always have been. I have double checked these too.
We had an issue after going from 2203 to 2207 that was listed here in this guide above, so, we installed the hotfix figuring it would fix it. It didn’t.
I have the failed to install vcredist message. I even installed it myself (even though it was already there) and I still get the error. I removed it and re-added it, still get the error.
I also have “Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point. You should install and configure IIS manually. Please ensure RDC is also enabled.” These are all existing DP’s that have been in service since 2017 so I don’t understand what it’s really trying to do when IIS is already installed. On one of them I removed the DP role, uninstalled IIS, removed it from SCCM altogether, then brought it back in as though it were new. Same errors. And the other two that I didn’t remove still say that they have not tried to install IIS component (even though they have it), they fail to install vcredist (again, they have it), and on the one I wiped out it also says “The distribution point is not installed or upgraded yet.” I’m at the end of my rope and there doesn’t seem to be any other way to get support other than to post here or on Reddit.

By: Gabe After the HotFix Installed to Primary Server, I’m getting Errors on all DPs Failling to install IIS, Non Zero Error Code 8, Permissions, Http Firewall or RDC identified as possible causes.
We have been adjusting our Service account and Admin account group memberships could we have inadvertently caused this?

What can I check?

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Michał.

What is the client version that you see under the Autoupgrade client settings?.
