Comments on: How to Configure Network Access Account in SCCM ConfigMgr SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:27:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Johnson I saw the same message. If there a way to see if they are being used in the logs?

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to evgeniy.

That’s a warning, since you have defined the network access account(s), you can remove them if they aren’t being used. Otherwise, please ignore it as it’s just the warning, you can proceed with the upgrade.

By: evgeniy Good day. Sorry, tell me what to do to update to version 2211. I get the message:
[Completed with warning]: The site server configured with HTTPS/Enhanced HTTP, does not require a network access account. Please verify the minimum appropriate permission of this account(s) and remove the account(s) which has higher privileges. We recommend you remove the configured network access account(s) which are not leveraged. For more information about your network access account required permissions.
Do I need to delete the network account? but then how will the above described in the article work?
Thanks in advance!
