Comments on: Failed to Resolve Task Sequence Dependencies 0X80040102 SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Sun, 26 Sep 2021 14:16:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan I have this issue, but all of my applications and packages are healthy and there are no errors in SCCM Console and no distribution errors but when i run the TS i get this problem, i cant find where the problem is…i have even removed the DP role and rebuilt it and still get the same error…but it worked fine 2 days ago, i think the problem started when i copied a task sequence and deployed the copy but i cant be sure

By: Daniel Mulholland I have this issue, but all of my applications and packages are healthy and there are no errors in SCCM Console and no distribution errors but when i run the TS i get this problem, i cant find where the problem is…i have even removed the DP role and rebuilt it and still get the same error…but it worked fine 2 days ago, i think the problem started when i copied a task sequence and deployed the copy but i cant be sure

By: Steve That was the ticket. Another admin removed an application that was part of my task sequence. Thanks!
