Comments on: Difference between Available and Required in SCCM SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Wed, 03 Aug 2022 09:31:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandhya Can we create a single AD group for both available mode and required mode collection?

By: Darrin Delaney Hello, ever since we installed the latest “Config Mgr 2111 Hotfix Rollup KB12896009” we seem to have a new bug. Using PS Toolkit for scripts, when I deploy an app as required, the defer or continue pop up window does not show up, it just starts the install. However, if I deploy as available, after clicking on Install, the defer or continue pop up shows up as intended. Anyone else experience this???

By: Robin In reply to Prajwal Desai.

If the Application is Available for Install, it’s also Available for Uninstall.
If the Application is Required for Install, then why would you make it Available for Uninstall? You Require it to be there!
OK, so scenario where someone has the app installed (maybe manually, outside of SCCM) and you want to give them a way to uninstall it? Well, publish the App as Available to them – if installed, it’ll show as Installed due to detection rules, but they will be able Uninstall it. Risk: if not installed, then they’ll be able to install it – except, your install command could be made to do nothing and it won’t affect the uninstall.

By: Svata In reply to Anna.

If you using BITS yes …. Required is marked as backgroud action and BITS are used. If application is on demand (available) no BITS full speed

By: Nikos Hello Prajwal. I want to ask you if a client is at 2 collection the same time with Available Software Updates Deployment in 1st collection and Required Software Updates Deployment in 2nd Collection the updates will be installed Automatically or not? Thanks A lot

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Silvan.

Nope that cannot be done.

By: Kent Smith Prajwal, I appreciate all the info you have online about SCCM.

I have created an AD security group for apps and also the SCCM device collection for the app. I add the pc into the security group in AD and it updates the SCCM collection for that app. I have deployed the app to the SCCM collection as REQUIRED and it installs but it also still shows in Software Center as Past due – will be installed.

Doesn’t SCCM know the app is already installed or should I just set the deploy to hide in Software Center and forget about it. I know if I go into Software Center and click on the app the the Past due will change to Installed. I would think there is a better way than to have this step be taken.

Thank you,
Kent Smith

By: Silvan Do we have option to set the purpose as ‘Available’ for uninstall action. I know SCCM does not allow to do it but is there any trick / option to get it enabled ?

By: Ranjan In reply to Prajwal Desai.

Sorry, my bad. I wanted to mention Task Sequence which only installs Applications. [No OS]

What will happen if we deploy such Task Sequence as available and Required to the same collection?

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Ranjan.

SCCM does not allow you to deploy the same application twice to same device collection.
