Windows Operating System Version Numbers

Before you deploy any software it is good to know windows operating system version numbers. To determine the version of the operating system that is currently running, you can use version helper functions. Identifying the current operating system is usually not the best way to determine whether a particular operating system feature is present. If you must require a particular operating system, be sure to use it as a minimum supported version, rather than design the test for the one operating system.

There are multiple ways to find the OS version. Here is the link to one of my old post which shows how to get OS version using command line.

The easiest way to determine the operating system version number is using the ver command.

Windows Operating System Version Numbers

Windows Operating System Version Numbers

The below table shows the list of windows versions. In the below table if you look carefully at the operating system version number it is made of up Major Version, Minor Version and Build number. I have tried to add all the OS version numbers, if I have missed any, do write in the comments. I will update this table as Microsoft brings in new OS in the market.

Operating System Version Number
Windows 95 OEM Service Release 1 (95A) 4.00.950
Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (95B) 4.00.1111
Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2.1 4.03.1212-1214
Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2.5 C 4.03.1214
Windows 98 4.10.1998
Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) 4.10.2222 A
Windows Millenium Beta 4.90.2476
Windows Millenium 4.90.3000
Windows NT 3.1 3.10.528
Windows NT 3.5 3.50.807
Windows NT 3.51 3.51.1057
Windows NT 4.00 4.00.1381
Windows NT 5.00 (Beta 2) 5.00.1515
Windows 2000 (Beta 3) 5.00.2031
Windows 2000 (Beta 3 RC2) 5.00.2128
Windows 2000 (Beta 3) 5.00.2183
Windows 2000 5.00.2195
Whistler Server Preview 2250
Whistler Server alpha 2257
Whistler Server interim release 2267
Whistler Server interim release 2410
Windows XP (RC 1) 5.1.2505
Windows XP 5.1.2600
Windows XP, Service Pack 1 5.1.2600.1105-1106
Windows XP, Service Pack 2 5.1.2600.2180
Windows XP, Service Pack 3 5.1.2600
Windows .NET Server interim 5.2.3541
Windows .NET Server Beta 3 5.2.3590
Windows .NET Server Release Candidate 1 5.2.3660
Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 5.2.3718
Windows Server 2003 (Beta?) 5.2.3763
Windows Server 2003 5.2.3790
Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 1 5.2.3790.1180
Windows Server 2003 5.2.3790.1218
Windows Home Server 5.2.3790
Windows Longhorn 6.0.5048
Windows Vista, Beta 1 6.0.5112
Windows Vista, Community Technology Preview 6.0.5219
Windows Vista, TAP Preview 6.0.5259
Windows Vista, CTP 6.0.5270
Windows Vista, CTP 6.0.5308
Windows Vista, CTP (Refresh) 6.0.5342
Windows Vista, April EWD 6.0.5365
Windows Vista, Beta 2 Preview 6.0.5381
Windows Vista, Beta 2 6.0.5384
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1 6.0.5456
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1, Build 5472 6.0.5472
Windows Vista, Pre-RC1, Build 5536 6.0.5536
Windows Vista, RC1 6.0.5600.16384
Windows Vista, Pre-RC2 6.0.5700
Windows Vista, Pre-RC2, Build 5728 6.0.5728
Windows Vista, RC2 6.0.5744.16384
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5808 6.0.5808
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5824 6.0.5824
Windows Vista, Pre-RTM, Build 5840 6.0.5840
Windows Vista, RTM 6.0.6000.16386
Windows Vista 6.0.6000
Windows Vista, Service Pack 2 6.0.6002
Windows Server 2008 6.0.6001
Windows 7, RTM 6.1.7600.16385
Windows 7 6.1.7601
Windows Server 2008 R2, RTM 6.1.7600.16385
Windows Server 2008 R2, SP1 6.1.7601
Windows Home Server 2011 6.1.8400
Windows Server 2012 6.2.9200
Windows 8 6.2.9200
Windows Phone 8 6.2.10211
Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3.9200
Windows 8.1 6.3.9200
Windows 8.1, Update 1 6.3.9600
Windows 10 10.0.10240
Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3.9600


  1. You guys can just run the ver or systeminfo commands in the command prompt on a Windows server to find the operating system version number, for the ones that aren’t on this list. Then make your device collection off of that version.
    Thanks for posting this!

  2. just missing 2016 which is 10.1.14393

  3. Update this for 2016 and 2019

  4. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 are out, both with main release 10.0. This gets funny now to distinguish!

  5. Does Intel driver ver work with Windows 8.1?. What happens if I install it.

  6. Hello Prajwal,
    can you please update this list?
    I can’t find the version for server 2019, so I can’t create a seperate SCCM collection for 2019.

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