Comments on: Location of SMSTS log during SCCM OSD SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:33:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Christopher Pearson.

I don’t think the path can be changed, but you can configure your task sequence to copy the logs to a different network path for troubleshooting. This info is covered in a separate post on my blog.

By: Christopher Pearson Helpful article, My team had an interesting query, we were interested in knowing whether the log files could be relocated during the OS Deployment? Instead of having them X:\windows\temp\smstslog\smsts.log et al, they were instead written to \\network\share\OSD\GUID_OF_MACHINE\smsts.log. Is this a possibility? Thank you.

By: Chongmun I wanna see the log, but my testing is over before format…
I can see only “Failed to Run Task Sequence” ,”This task sequense cannot be run because the program files for … cannot be located on a distribution point….”

By: MAL hi, i am new to SCCM tool and getting the same error, i have updated and checked/boot image/OS/TS but getting same error.I am practicing below in home lab.

SCCM 2019- V2020
Deploying OS Win10-Home (in Hyper-V Environment) using PXE boot.

By: Bill In reply to Tex.

Tex, I would almost guess(without seeing the logs) that your HDD isn’t partitioned correctly.

By: Tex hello,

I am experiencing “error code 0x80004005 in the task sequence step ‘Enable BitLocker'” I am using SCCM 1906, SQL 2016 and WIndows Server 2016 standard all in Virtual Environment. The virtual client i have set up is able to successfully boot into PXE SCCM environment and is also able to download windows 10 image successfully but when it restarts and attempts to run install for configuration manager client agent it generates the above mentioned error. I have tried disabling bit locker in the task sequence settings and then trying again and it works but I want to actually fix the problem. Are you able to advise what I can do

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Robert.

I am testing something. I have enabled the copy option on the scripts for now.

By: Robert Why is copy paste disabled on this website? Pretty unhelpful displaying the file paths but then having to manually type them out.

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Nelson.

@Nelson – Could you post the question in the forums along with screenshots and relevant log files.

By: Nelson Hi Prajwal, Am trying to do a windows update in sccm 2012 R2, and the results in the deployment status pane shows “Client check passed/Inactive and Client check passed/Active – in the Unknown Tab
