Comments on: Easy Guide to Collect Logs with Intune MEM SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Tue, 09 Aug 2022 21:13:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: ConfigEngineer In reply to NazK.

I agree NazK. I have been a CM engineer my entire career and have attempted to migrate companies to Intune a few times and it has been an absolute disaster every time. It appears it only works for small, truly modern companies where AAD joined devices is all you need, a limited app stack, and very limited support. This is now my 5th go at this (not counting consulting) and it just does not provide anything to the business except headaches. Pre-provisioning is just simply unreliable and troubleshooting is miserable. I have AP working for a global company because they are “cloud first” but literally every day we are fighting issues. I just can’t do this anymore.

I read the forums and all the big names in the space are now saying it might be better to be co-managed. No, it is not. It is better to not use Intune and stick with CM. Add on to this that in all these rollouts I have not had a single opened cased with Microsoft be solved — we just have to abandon strategies (that should work) and move on to something else.

Just last month there was a global outage on AP but we were never notified and in the Intune console said everything was “OKAY”. Had to dig deeper through menus to see the alerts and updates. It lasted a couple of weeks before Microsoft fixed it. There was nothing I could do anyways.

By: NazK I don’t understand, I cannot see how any of the outputted files from the diagnostics zip file are of any use. You get some reg files and etl… the XML file is just a list of things it gathered – its a pretty useless report you must admit.
What if you need to troubleshoot windows updates for business or feature updates policies?
I’m sorry, but the cynic sys admin in me is starting to see more and more just what a con Intune and so called ‘co-managed’ tenancy really is.
Things from Intune/MEM are not really ‘managed’ at all and more directed and loosely controlled, I think over time more and more people will realize just how limited MEM really is and switch workloads back to MECM or find an alternative MDM solution.

By: Adrian Is there any possibility to extend the list of default locations from which functionality polls the data ?
e.g. Custom Application logs acquisition from specific location

By: Phil This feature is excellent and I’m already making heavy use of it. I am, however, not understanding why they bother including the results of “%windir%\system32\ping.exe -n 50 localhost” in the .zip. What would that ever show that would be useful? I’d love to get a sample of 50 pings to the default gateway or something since that could show me that the Wi-Fi connection isn’t great, but pinging localhost 50 times seems completely useless. Is this some sort of secret diagnostic thing I don’t know about?
