Comments on: Enable Tenant Attach in ConfigMgr | SCCM Cloud Attach SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Fri, 09 Jun 2023 20:59:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Question: I’ve recently taken over looking after the Endpoint environment in my new workplace, and I see that co-management has been enabled already, and checking in Intune all Windows 10 machines are enrolled, and are showing co-managed. But under the Configure Upload section there is nothing checked (so no options are selected). If I were to enable this and choose the default All my devices option would that have any negative impact on how things are already setup and configured. Currently, there is no CMG or Azure Services configured (on my to-do list as well).

By: sean archer Hi

I don’t have an install string in for the client under the Enablement tab, all i see is “Please ensure the proper prereqs are installed” I’m not sure what those are?

By: Sean Hey Prajwal, love your work as always. I have an odd issue hopefully you have some insight on. If I attempt to attach with my ***@*** account which is GA, i get a “You can’t get there from here” error stating that its a personal device. If i use my *** account, it gets past all of that but then fails because that account doesn’t have GA and can’t create the azure applications. What am i missing here? Does the configuration manager server have to be hybrid-joined before doing all of this? I cannot make my local domain account GA in Azure. Any idea’s on this?

By: Matt Hi, when I click on the Sign In button on the Co-management Configuration Wizard. I get prompted with “content within this application coming from the website listed below is being blocked in IE enhanced Security configurations.” However, I’ve added to my local security. Any thoughts

By: Sunday Wonderful Article as always from you. Can you show picture of:
” Initiate Configuration Manager action permission under Remote tasks in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.” requirement?
