Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111 New Features
The Technical Preview version 2111 of Configuration Manager has been released. Let’s look at the new features in Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111.
The Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111 includes new features and many improvements over the previous release. Visit the Technical Preview 2111 documentation for more details.
The latest technical preview baseline version that you can download as of now is version 2110. You can download it from Microsoft Evaluation center. Install it in your lab and then install technical preview 2111 version.
Table of Contents
Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111
To install the ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2111 update.
- In the ConfigMgr console, go to Administration > Updates and Servicing.
- Right click Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111 update and click Install Update Pack.

The version 2111 of Configuration Manager Technical Preview includes :-
- Configuration Manager site server updates
- Configuration Manager console updates
- Configuration Manager client updates
- Fixes for known issues
- New Features
You can ignore the prerequisite check warnings and directly install the update 2111. Click Next.

The features tab shows the new features included with this release. You can skip that and click Next because we can enable them later.
Accept the license terms and if you want to configure the cloud attach, simply uncheck the options. Complete the remaining steps and on the Summary window, click Next.

On the Completion window, click Close. The technical preview 2111 update now begins to install.

While the Technical Preview 2111 update installs, you can review cmupdate.log for installation progress. You can also go to Monitoring workspace and right the update and view the install progress.
Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted for console upgrade. Perform the Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111 console upgrade.
That completes installing the Configuration Manager technical preview 2111 update installation. You must also upgrade the client agents on your client computers to the latest version.
New Features in Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2111
Let’s look at some new features and improvements added to ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2111 release.
Improvements to the Windows Servicing dashboard
The Windows Servicing dashboard now displays Windows 11 latest Feature Updates chart. If you are planning to upgrade to Windows 11, this dashboard will surely help.
The new chart makes it easier to determine how many of your Windows 11 clients are on the latest feature update. To display the dashboard, go to Software Library > Overview > Windows Servicing.
This new feature should be added to upcoming current branch release as we know ConfigMgr 2107 fully supports Windows 11. You can also patch Windows 11 computers using SCCM 2107.
Co-management Eligible Devices collection
There’s a new built-in device collection for Co-management Eligible Devices. The Co-management Eligible Devices collection uses incremental updates and a daily full update to keep the collection up to date.
Improvement to app groups
Coming from 2110 technical preview release, the view and managing app groups in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center doesn’t require an elevated role. It honors permissions and scopes as defined in Configuration Manager.
New PowerShell Cmdlets
We see some new PowerShell cmdlets for orchestration groups added to technical preview 2111 release.
- Get-CMOrchestrationGroup – Use this cmdlet to get an orchestration group object by name or ID.
- Invoke-CMOrchestrationGroup – Use this cmdlet to start orchestration.
- New-CMOrchestrationGroup – Use this cmdlet to create a new orchestration group.
- Remove-CMOrchestrationGroup – Use this cmdlet to remove the specified orchestration group.
- Set-CMOrchestrationGroup – Use this cmdlet to configure an orchestration group.
Hello Sir,
Is there any possibility to download manually 2111, as when I check for an update from console I didn’t see the new version.
i have 2107 now.
2111 is a technical preview version. I guess you are using 2107 current branch. Is that correct ?
Yes, correct, I have 2107 and installed hotfix rollup (KB11121541) as well.