Comments on: Installing Site System Roles In Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SCCM | ConfigMgr | Intune | Windows 11 | Azure Thu, 11 Feb 2021 14:12:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: yaro What would be the necessary roles for an account to be able to Distribute Content to a newly deployed DP which was deployed under that particular account just fine yet apparently it’s missing some rights for content distribution. The account is local admin on the DP but on t he MP it’s Site System Installation and AD discovery only. Does it have to be Full Admin?

By: Waseemuddin Syed In reply to Prajwal Desai.

me to dont see awebsctl.logfine in log folder please help me

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Nitin.

I guess yes.

By: Nitin Hello Sir, “Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Application Web Service. Product Version: 5.00.8634.1000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0.”
Is this normal in last screen?

By: Yogesh Hi Prajwal Sir,
I tried your method to use sccm for mmy knowledge. but at this 9th document i am stuck and throwing an error when i viewed awebsctl in ccm trace. i got the following error.
error no 1 AWEBSVCs http check returned hr=0, bFailed=0 SMS_AWEBSVC_CONTROL_MANAGER 3/21/2018 5:45:52 AM 724 (0x02D4)
error no 2 AWEBSVC’s previous status was 0 (0 = Online, 1 = Failed, 4 = Undefined) SMS_AWEBSVC_CONTROL_MANAGER 3/21/2018 5:45:52 AM 724 (0x02D4)

next problem is with other log awebsvcMSI .. it says installation error. as follows
error1 Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_Title = Setup Aborted
eror 2 Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_SubTitle = Setup failed
error 3 Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_Info = Setup encountered an error and could not continue.
error 4 MSI (s) (60:B8) [03:13:52:086]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Application Web Service. Product Version: 5.00.8239.1000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: 0.

Please sir kindly help us to proceed .. we are waiting for your valuable reply.

By: jawahe Why can’t i choose http when i add the Application Catalog Website Point role. Default it is set to https but http is greyed out so can’t make any changes to this

By: Asanga Pathirana Hi Prajwal,
the Management Point site system role is not available in system role selection tab. what might be the issue?

By: Prajwal Desai In reply to Shahin Patwary.

What folder path are you looking for the log file ?.

By: Shahin Patwary I don’t see awebsvc.log file in log folder my sccm version 5.0.82

By: Karl Hi Prajwal. I got my distro Points setup and pxe works (tested); however, when I go to add an image/OS it fails with UNC path does not contain a valid WIM or permissions. I was able to create a boot image in WDS using the same boot.wim and install.wim. Any ideas? I upgraded to SCCM 2012 sp2 fixed my WSUS issue but not the OS Deployment.
